Introducing our friend: NLP
This article is for those of you who are new to the wonderful three letters.
Let us introduce them to you:
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming.
This article is for those of you who are new to the wonderful three letters.
Let us introduce them to you:
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Photo:Laura In Corrientes a couple of years ago
This acronym reminds us of the fact that our mind and body are interconnected and that we are responsible for the models of the world we create.
NLP training has two areas of application:
1. How we communicate with others
2. How we communicate with ourselves
It also aims at revealing the underlying structure of excellence. It offers answers to the question of "how" to do things effectively, or rather, how successful people in different fields do what they do wonderfully. It analyses subjective experience, taking into account patterns of behaviour, capability, values, beliefs, mission in life and internal representations of reality.
It offers a learnable technology which can help us improve performance and communication, overcome limitations, achieve goals and confidence in different areas of our lives.
With training in NLP we learn how to get rapport with virtually anybody, how to become flexible in our communication, how to use language effectively. We learn how to deal with conflict on a win-win basis, how to tap our resources (such as confidence, competence, inner peace, motivation, health, abundance, etc.), how to discover our strategies (of excellence, creativity, good memory, etc.), how to work with our beliefs and other levels of growth and learning and how our brains code our subjective experience.
NLP is an eclectic body of thought which is a branch of the Cognitive Sciences and Cognitive Behavioural Psychology. It grew out of General Semantics (Korzybski), Transformational Grammar (Chomsky), Anthropology and Cybernetics (Bateson), Reframing (Watzlawick et al), Family Systems (Virginia Satir), GestaltTherapy(Perls), Medical Hypnosis (Erickson) and several related studies. Its founders were Richard Bandler (a mathematician) and John Grinder (a linguist) who, in the early 70s, set out to discover the "structure of excellence".
Who benefits from the practice of NLP?
Any person who wants to improve the way they live their lives and develop an understanding of how to maximize their potential. Any person who wants to explore new tools and models for communication and learning through high quality training and assessment.
Why have we decided to give birth to a course especially designed for teachers?
NLP has been successfully applied in different fields such as sales, business, medicine, mental health, law, sports and so on. We believe good teachers and good learning are the answer to many issues in the world we want to live in. Highly prepared teachers, skilful in communication techniques, with very clear beliefs and values, and who have very specific goals to make this world a better place to live in are at the most important leverage point in the quest for positive change.
Our dream is to see professional teachers who know that their role in our society is even more important than what we have been led to believe.
© Laura Szmuch and Jamie Duncan, 2001
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