Tuesday, 27 October 2009


A magazine on Neuro Linguistic Programming in Education
No 106 October 27 2009

Dear Readers,
As spring slowly settles in, we start turning our attention not only to the end-of-the-year events but also to the beginning of 2010. In this edition you will find information on our February courses which include RT Week, our set of workshops for teachers of English and the first six modules of the NLP course given in Spanish. There are discounts for early bird enrolments so check now! We also look at The Wave, a film with plenty of things to ponder with respect to teaching and to society in general.

Do visit our blog teaching resourcefully – nlp in the classroom http://teaching-resourcefully.blogspot.com/ for regular updates and titbits on our activities and links that we find that are of use or relevance. We also have a Facebook - Resourceful Teaching page with updates too!

Thank you for reading and sharing,
Laura and Jamie
1. The Wave
2. RT Week 2010
3. NLP Course in Spanish – February intensive
4. Single celebrity recognising brain cell
5. Calendar of activities for 2009 - 2010
6. Workshops and coaching
7. Subscribing/Unsubscribing to our e-zines in English and Spanish and an invitation to visit
1. The Wave

A film recently released in Argentina and of interest to teachers is The Wave (La Ola in Spanish, Die Welle in German). It is, in fact, the latest version of a film made originally in the US and based on a real event that took place in California in 1967. German director Dennis Gansel has dusted down the story and updated it to present-day Germany which adds an extra layer of significance to its theme – that of how authoritarian societies can develop.

Rainer is a civics teacher in a German secondary school. He is allocated the course on Autocracy, when he would in fact prefer to be teaching the course on Anarchy that his rather absent-minded and conservative colleague has been given. To spice up the course, he decides to conduct a living experiment in the class by fostering the growth of an autocratic society in the classroom. He changes the seating to break up existing groups or cliques and places weak students next to strong students to create an atmosphere of helping one’s neighbour. He establishes some simple rules of discipline such as standing up when speaking, addressing him as Mr Wenger and not Rainer and he also encourages them to wear the same clothes, asks the group to find a name for itself, a symbol and a gesture, etc. He asks them to support the school water polo team to which several class members belong. All seemingly positive and or innocent moves. After all, many colleges have uniforms, promote integration of students and like to emphasise certain formalities of behaviour. The result is that the students feel included in a project rather than excluded and a sense of unity arises that was missing before. In the early scenes, one of the few grating points is that the Anarchy class is seen as “them”, a clear use of another group as “the enemy”.

Rainer accompanies these changes with discussions on how such societies begin, usually in contexts of unemployment, social injustice and exclusion and how this situation is exploited by someone who harnesses the resulting negative energy into the creation of a new movement.
Everything seems to go well at first with his experiment – even the least willing students show a much greater motivation to come to class, the principal is supportive despite the misgivings of other teachers and most of the students are proud to form part of this new group and become very creative in suggesting ideas of how to advance the movement.

As you can perhaps anticipate, the rest of the film concerns the fact that from these beginnings the group develops into something that indeed resembles an autocratic society and starts to get completely out of hand as individual members take decisions that they think are supporting the movement but in fact lead to very serious and tragic consequences.

The film is a master class for students of NLP as to how anchors can be created with groups to produce desired effects (unifying them and ordering their behaviour) in a given context. We see how the students comment on how good they feel with the simple tips for classroom etiquette and performance that Rainer teaches, the compliance with which is always praised (reinforcing anchor) by the teacher. It is also notable how group unity improves and with it academic performance as the brighter students help the others. The trouble is that when the actions spread beyond a certain fixed context, their effects may not be so desirable.

And what is given up by the students for this new-found unity? The right to be unique, to think differently, to speak and dress as an individual. Where does the balance lie between class unity and individual freedoms? Do the ends justify the means? What is the teacher’s role when dealing with students who fail to distinguish between a class project (essentially a role play or simulation) and real life? All these issues come together in the dramatic conclusion.

Films like “The Wave” are excellent teaching resources as they introduce the concepts of social organisation and the rights, freedoms and responsibilities involved in surroundings familiar to the students. This German version is especially poignant given the country’s not so distant past and the existence of strong ultra-right minorities in certain parts of Europe including Germany itself. An added feature is the use in the film of modern technology to serve the cause. The students make My Space pages and other webpages for the cause, the cellphone is also essential and as we have seen this year with the protests in Iran, even Twitter is taking its place as a tool for communication.

We may live in modern times and the models we study of authoritarianism may be from the past but “The Wave” shows that they can occur at any time or place.

© Resourceful Teaching 2009
2. RT Week 2010

Once again we bring you a variety of workshops for teachers, to reflect, develop, grow and obtain ideas for the classroom!

Hoping you can join us,
Laura and Jamie

Workshop details

Monday 8 Feb am
How students really learn!
This practical session will explore the latest classroom research on student learning and give activities based on ideas from NLP on how teachers can make the most of their classes to facilitate student acquisition.

Monday 8 Feb pm
The teacher and sensory acuity… Learning to observe…
A lot of people have become very interested in facial expressions, non-verbal language and other paralinguistic features, after watching “Lie to me”, the American television series that premiered on the Fox network. In the show, Dr. Cal Lightman and his colleagues in The Lightman Group accept assignments from third parties (commonly local and federal law enforcement), and assist in investigations, reaching the truth through applied psychology: interpreting microexpressions, through the Facial Action Coding System, and body language.
In this workshop we will see how to use that information in a very practical way to improve communication with our students and facilitate their learning.

Tuesday 9 Feb am
The Art of the Question

Can we polish our question-making as teachers to elicit better learning? Can we help our students find questions which lead to more discovery and reflection. Through quizzes, games and other activities we will practise the skill of finding the right question.

Tuesday 9 Feb pm
Time Management…
Self- Management?

In this session we will see how self-management is essential to manage time effectively and efficiently. We will delve into topics such as delegation, trust, self-motivation and motivation of others.
We will reflect on how to set priorities, how to schedule and have goals. By becoming aware of how we use our time as a resource in organising, prioritising, and succeeding in our jobs as teachers, coordinators or heads of staff, we will learn how to “save” our energy to be active and vibrant when we get home after a long day at work.
Apart from the moments of deep reflection you will be getting very practical ideas to start using as soon as you finish the workshop.

Wednesday 10 Feb am
A 2010 map of the English speaking world

In these days of information overload and fast-changing technology, what can we expect our students to learn and know about the world of English language and culture? This session will combine general knowledge and language styles and registers to help us identity what is essential to know and what is purely interesting and of lesser importance for the classroom as we enter the second decade of the new millenium.

Wednesday 10 Feb pm
Literature, creativity, learning and fun

In this presentation we will be working with the theory of creativity, plus specific ideas to put into practice in the classroom. Assuming creativity can be learnt, we will see ways to help both teachers and students to become aware of the creative process and its application to language teaching and learning. We will also be reading poems by Benjamin Zephaniah and we will take delight in the production of Haikus.

Thursday 11 Feb am
Emotions and language learning

Damasio (1999) states that “There is nothing distinctively about human emotions since it is clear that so many nonhuman creatures have emotions in abundance; and yet there is something quite distinctive about the way in which emotions have become connected to the complex ideas, values, principles, and judgements that only humans can have ”.
In this workshop we will see how from a neuropsychological perspective, emotions are very important: they exist in our brain and are biological, apart from elaborated by culture.
We will also discuss the implications for English language teaching and learning and we will work with some very powerful ideas to tap into optimal emotional states to learn a language.

Thursday 11 Feb pm
Being fully present

Apart from NLP, there are a large number of complementary therapies and energy techniques being taught in the world today. Many of them are very old knowledge that has been rediscovered.
How are they relevant to the classroom? Can teachers integrate aspects of them into their work? This session will consider a variety of these techniques and give a special introduction to that of EMF (Electromagnetic field) Balancing which helps people to become fully present in their daily activities.


Each workshop lasts three hours. AM: 9.00 - 12.00 PM: 14.00 - 17.00.
Venue: Gallardo 719, Versailles, Capital Federal.

Please enrol by by e-mail: rtcourses@resourcefulteaching.com.ar
jamiearg@gmail.com or lauraszmuch@gmail.com
or by phoning (005411) 4641-9068

There are limited vacancies per workshop. Enrolment is only guaranteed by payment of fee.

Special Discounts:

Current RT Practitioner or Master Practitioner students 15% on the whole week
Five people enrolling together are eligible for a discount of 10% on the whole week
Students currently enrolled in Teacher Training College $30 per workshop

Note: Fees are not refundable but can be transferred to another course or to another student where applicable.

3. NLP Course in Spanish – February intensive

Curso de Programación Neurolingüística
A cargo de: Resourceful Teaching
Directores: Laura Szmuch - Jamie Duncan

El curso intensivo comprenderá los módulos 1 a 6, y se dictará los días 8 a 13 de febrero de 2010. El curso equivale a los primeros seis módulos del curso Practitioner en PNL, para seguir siendo cursado durante el año, una vez por mes.

Módulos y temas a cubrir:

Conociéndonos más y mejorando nuestra comunicación

Canales sensoriales

Lenguaje preciso


Descubriendo los recursos internos

Concientizándonos de los mundos internos de nuestros alumnos y respondiendo a sus programas mentales.
Aranceles y formas de pago

El arancel de cada módulo en forma individual: $240
El curso completo (los seis módulos): $1440

Si abonan con anticipación, los participantes tendrán los siguientes beneficios:

Opción 1:
En un solo pago:
Hasta el 30 de noviembre: $960
Hasta el 30 de diciembre: $1200
Hasta el 30 de enero: $1440

Descuentos especiales:
Cinco personas que se anotan juntas tienen un descuento del 10 %

Se les entregarán a los participantes cuadernillos de trabajo.
Está incluido el refrigerio del recreo de media mañana y de la tarde (café, té, mate cocido, etc., y bocaditos dulces y/o salados).Nota especial
En caso de cancelación de la inscripción NO se devolverá el dinero, pero se lo dejará como pago en futuras capacitaciones.

Docentes a cargo del curso:
Laura Szmuch- Lilly Spillman- Jamie Duncan

¿Qué es la PNL?

La Programación Neurolingüística es una serie de principios, actitudes y técnicas que nos permiten lograr el máximo de nuestras potencialidades. La PNL describe la dinámica entre la mente (neuro), el lenguaje (lingüística) y cómo ellos influyen en nuestras decisiones y conductas. Comenzó en Estados Unidos en la década del 70 con Bandler y Grinder quienes exploraron cómo modelar excelencia en el campo terapéutico.

La PNL está siendo utilizada actualmente como entrenamiento de habilidades comunicativas en las empresas con maravillosos resultados. También en el campo del deporte y salud. Aplicada a la educación, es una herramienta espectacular para que el aprendizaje fluya en forma natural, y también en casos donde ciertos bloqueos emocionales o intelectuales impiden el normal desarrollo del proceso de aprendizaje. La utilización de las técnicas de PNL aceleran el logro de objetivos, ayudando a los alumnos a alcanzar metas que ellos mismos fijan en forma altamente eficaz.

Los resultados de la aplicación de la PNL a las clases son espectaculares, ya que combinan el trabajo del docente que sabe cómo aprende cada persona en particular y adapta su metodología de acuerdo a esto, con un alto nivel de motivación por parte del alumno. De esta manera se intensifica la capacidad innata que tenemos TODOS los seres humanos de aprender cosas nuevas, y, sobre todo,
¡disfrutar el proceso!
(adaptado del libro:Aprendiendo inglés y disfrutando el proceso de Laura Szmuch, Ed. Dunken)

Para inscribirte o para más información: lauraszmuch@gmail.com

4. Single celebrity recognising brain cell

Ever wondered why students know all the gossip about their favourite celebrity and can’t keep any of the material you teach in their minds let alone become intrigued by something new from the coursebook? It could be due to the single celebrity recognizing neuron distracting their attention. More information has been released about this brain cell that was called a Halle Berry brain cell in 2005. The latest news is that recent experiments show that we can learn to control it. Yet one more step in our understanding of cognitive processes!

See the following links among others for more details: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/10/controlling-single-neurons/

5. Calendar of Activities 2009

We are publishing below a list of the main events for Resourceful Teaching for the next few months. As each date gets closer we will give you more information and we will of course be updating the calendar with new dates as they arise.
30-31 October 2009 First International House Latin American Regional workshop, San Isidro, Argentina.
8 – 11 February 2010 RT Week, Buenos Aires, Argentina
8 – 13 February 2010 Curso de PNL, Buenos Aires, Argentina
April 2010 New Practitioner courses in English and Spanish begin
6. Workshops and Coaching

If you would like a workshop or training in your city or town, please contact us soon as we have only a few dates available on weekends each year and we are now getting enquiries for 2010.
We can offer you workshops as listed in the website www.resourcefulteaching.com.ar or design something especially for your needs. In English and in Spanish. Please contact jamie@resourcefulteaching.com.ar or lauraszmuch@gmail.com if you are interested.

Laura is also available for Coaching. If you wish to advance in your career or personal life and wish to design a plan of action to do so, why not have a coaching conversation with her. Contact: lauraszmuch@gmail.com

7. Subscribing/Unsubscribing to our e-zines in English and Spanish and an invitation to visit

To subscribe simply send a mail to: rtnews@resourcefulteaching.com.ar with your name and city stating 'subscribe' in the subject box. To unsubscribe, follow the same procedure but write the word 'unsubscribe'. We only send this e-magazine to those who have expressed the desire to subscribe by the above means.

To subscribe to the Spanish sister e-zine, send a mail to Laura at en.contacto.pnl@gmail.com
NB En contacto has different articles from those which appear in RT News and they are about NLP and other associated areas.

Visit our blog teaching resourcefully – nlp in the classroom

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